Promoting food security through our educational and donation efforts

We Educate

Food security is achieved when all people have physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe, culturally appropriate, and nutritious food that meets their food preferences and dietary needs for an active and healthy life. Having healthy food is a basic human right and the United Nations Committee on World Food Security has highlighted the need for responsible agricultural and environmental practices as fundamental to achieving this.

Master Gardeners act locally to support these efforts through educational outreach for home gardeners. Garden education classes and activities are offered throughout our community by OSU Extension and the Multnomah County Master Gardener Association. Topics focus on responsible and research-based gardening and food production practices. We teach about:

Harvested vegetables for donation
  • Protecting and caring for our garden’s soil,

  • Conserving our water resources through proper irrigation techniques,

  • Selecting the right plant for the right place, resulting in greater plant health and food production,

  • Protecting insects and wildlife which are beneficial to our gardens,

  • Managing garden pests in a way which is environmentally sound. 

    We Donate

    Our Demonstration Garden in SE Portland grows more than 2,000 pounds per year of fruit and vegetables which are donated to local area food banks and SUN Programs at surrounding schools. Many of our chapter members also donate fresh fruits and vegetables from their home gardens to the Oregon Food Bank or one of the numerous local food pantries.