Chapter Documents

Bylaws and Policies:

MCMGA Bylaws

Policy - Archiving
Ensure records are maintained and information is easily accessible for the public and for Chapter members.

Policy - Cross Promotion and Publicity
Guidelines to use to determine if it is appropriate to promote and publicize other nonprofit organizations’ events and activities.

Policy - Proposing & Adopting Policy & Procedure
Ensures a fair and intelligent method of defining policies and procedures which are informed and helpful for the smooth operation of the organization. 

Policy - Publication Standards
Provide standards to ensure that all chapter publications reflect permissible practices in compliance with U.S. copyright law and relay accurate information with appropriate academic citations, as representatives of the Oregon State University Extension Master Gardener Program.

Policy - Recorded Media
Informs members that photographs and other media may be recorded at Master Gardener events and inform members concerning how they may opt out. 

Policy - Remote Voting
Provides the chapter with an auditable and accessible system for collecting votes  remotely with use of a purpose-made online voting tool.

Policy - Spending
Clarifies and makes transparent the process for Chapter members to provide input into the development of the MCMGA budget for the upcoming year, to request additional funds after the budget is approved and to request reimbursement of expenditures.

Policy - Third Party Use, Copyright, and Attribution Standards
This document offers guidance to MGs on the creation of content for use and publication by the chapter.

Policy - Use of Master Gardener Contact Information
Establishes practices which safeguard and respect the personal information of Multnomah County Master Gardener Chapter members. 

Policy - Voting Practices
Identifies board positions, voting privileges, and the definition of a quorum. 


Considerations for Decision-Making
2023 Approved Budget