MCMGA Board Minutes for April 25th, 2023

Present: Lorna Schilling (President), Cynthia Chase (Vice President), Marcia McIntyre (Programs and Speakers), Rich Becker (OMGA Chapter Representative, IE Plant Sale), Christine Semeniuk (Bookkeeper) Susan Marcus (Acting Treasurer), Mike Rutherford (Administrator G-Suite and Historian), Linda Goldser (Director Demonstration Garden), Carole Hardy (eNews Chapter, Alternative OMGA Rep.), Jack Lazareck, Lisa Kirby, Angela Myatt (Secretary)

Approval of March 28th Minutes
Minutes were approved with the correction of Marcia’s last name.

Susan asked for clarification of the phrase “sliding scale” in reference to OMGA annual fees. Rich explained each member pays for what they choose. The Chapter pays what OMGA requires per individual.

Dam Proud Day
After a short discussion, Cynthia proposed a motion to donate $150 to Dam Proud Day. Mike seconded the motion which was passed. Cynthia encouraged all the Board members to contribute $50, as requested by Gail Langelotto.

Incredible Edible (IE) Sale
Rich reported that pre-sales were going well. Discussion followed on how to “get the word out” about the sale. Rich suggested sharing the QR code on the IE post card at several venues e.g., plant clinics, Farmers Markets etc. Other suggestions included distributing posters at Community Gardens, posting to Neighborhood Associations, NextDoor, Facebook and eNews. Several Board members volunteered to spread the word in their neighborhoods. For example, Mike will distribute the poster he printed in his SE neighborhood. Marcia clarified how many IE post cards were still available.

The pre-sale site will close on May 10th. Pre-sale pick up will be from 10 am to 2pm with the last time slot being 1.30pm. General admission will be from 2-3pm.

Rich confirmed an email had gone out asking for volunteers for the IE Sale.

Merchandise Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT)
There was discussion on selling merchandise and how UBIT is related to MCMGA as the latter is a nonprofit. Christine clarified that it is legal for a nonprofit to have a for-profit subsidiary running the website and selling merchandise. If such activities are conducted exclusively by volunteers, then the organization is not subject to UBIT.

Oregon Master Gardeners Association (OMGA)
Rich reported there has not been another meeting since the March Board meeting.

There were differing opinions about Grapevine. Marcia reported that Grapevine and the Washington County newsletter get the highest hits from the Metro Master Gardener newsletter. It was decided the Communications Committee were most qualified to investigate the longevity of Grapevine. Carole said it will be on the May agenda.

Demo Garden
Linda gave a detailed report of all the activities in the Demo Garden. For example: 3.5 lbs. of lettuce and Asian mustard were donated to the St. Francis Center and the ornamental cherry and Oregon grape are in bloom. They are now waiting for the City to turn on the water. The Soil Workshop was over two days, with 23 attending on Saturday and 20 on Sunday. There were several events on Earth Day, partnering with PSU, giving away Mason bee houses (made by Franklin High School students) and seed packets donated by Marcia. Evening “Come Learn” sessions will now be on the third Monday of every month. Marysville Elementary will be visiting on May 25th.

Lorna asked when the video of the Demo Garden Team would be available. When it is, it should be Google Drive and also You Tube.

Rich confirmed the Pergola construction is presently “under wraps”.

Social Activities
There was discussion on how to ensure a good turnout at events like the Soil Workshop and the visit to the Leach Botanical Garden. It was decided that Linda will work with Mike re: the timing and number of reminders for future Demo Garden events. Several factors come into play e.g., absences due to inclement weather and cases of Covid.

Lorna reminded everyone that ideas for social activities are encouraged.

Advocacy: Multnomah County Commissioners
Cynthia reported that Mike and she had met with a staff person of Diane Rosenbaum’s and another meeting is planned. Meetings with Sushila Jaipal, Jessica Vega Pederson, Lori Stegmann and Sharon Meieran are also expected to be scheduled.

Of the five Multnomah County Commissioners the goal is to find one who is interested and willing to engage with constituents representing Multnomah County Master Gardeners.

Cynthia noted that in twenty years no constituents have been promoting or advocating for Master Gardeners to the County Commissioners until now. Due to Dr. Lyles this is now changing. Lorna observed that until now, the Commissioners have been unaware of any funding needs/issues.

MCMGA Insurance
Lorna asked Angela to give an update on MCMGA Insurance as it relates to liability issues associated with construction of the pergola in the Demo Garden. The Chapter’s Insurance policy has a general liability clause of up to $10,000. There was discussion about individual Board members being personally liable. Christine suggested finding out if other Chapters have taken out Directors and Officers Insurance. Susan suggested hiring an attorney. Angela will investigate further and report back.


The meeting closed at 8.05pm
The next meeting of the MCMGA Board will be on May 30th, 2023, at 6.30 pm
Draft Minutes submitted by Angela Myatt (Secretary) May 4th, 2023, corrections incorporated March 8, 2023