MCMGA Board Minutes for Nov. 29, 2022

Present: Linda Goldser, Lorna Schilling, Jack Lazareck, Cynthia Chase, Heidi Nichols, Susan Marcus, Rich Becker, Mike Rutherford, Christine Semeniuk, Marcia McIntyre, John Jordan, Susanne Cavicchi, Tom Ralley

Minutes for June and September were approved.

Mike Rutherford is working on our G-suite and will start suspending inactive accounts as a security precaution. Accounts can be reinstated easily if necessary.

Linda Goldser reported on the end of the Season at the Demo Garden and also reported on the unfortunate burglaries at the DG. Insurance claims are pending and losses are at least $3800.

New fundraising chair John Jordan reported on plans to modify website to allow for donations not related to membership. He is also looking at an email letter for fundraising.

Rich Becker reported on OMGA including a new advocacy group formed to advocate for MG funding with the State. They are updating goals and bylaws.

Discussion of upcoming meeting with Dr. Lyles Vice Provost of Extension.

Corinne is putting together a presentation of our 2022 activities to showcase our accomplishments.

Heidi Nichols discussed membership dues.

Board voted to maintain membership dues structure as a no minimum dues with $30 suggested and anything above $20 as a donation.