MCMGA Board Minutes for Sept. 27, 2022

Attendees: Lorna Schilling, Cynthia Chase, Mike Rutherford, Rich Becker, Christine Semeniuk, Carole Hardy, Jack Lazareck, Linda Goldser, Susan Marcus, Marcia McIntyre, Susanne Cavicchi

August meetings were approved.

Communication Committee presented the latest iteration of logo as designed. General consensus is that it's on the right track.

Advocacy committee of OMGA is looking for more volunteers to support its goals statewide.

Future locations for in person meetings were discussed. Tentatively we are looking at April, May and June in person meetings. Locations under consideration are SMILE in Sellwood, Multnomah Arts Center in SW, and Multnomah County Building.

Budget was discussed.

Demo Garden report included the Harvest Festival report. Because of rescheduling, there was a smaller attendance of 36. Giveaway of Vesuvius tomato seeds and presentation of 2022 and 2023 awards. Great food was shared including a watermelon from the dry farming bed and newly churned ice cream.

Linda also shared some numbers about the DG. As of 9/27, 82 volunteers volunteered for 3300 hours, 33 of whom were new to the DG. 2400 Ibs. of produce was donated mostly to the All Saints Food Pantry in the Woodstock area.